Finally Breakthrough Core Scarcity Blocks & 
Create The Reality & Relationship You Deserve!

Hey Beautiful Soul...

IMAGINE - in just a few weeks you'll be thinking, feeling, and acting as the most abundant magnetic version of yourself … and all the confidence that comes with knowing how to deliberately create a reality & relationship you're wildly obsessed with!
  • No more feeling stuck….wondering if you’ll ever break free of the doubt and confusion
  • ​​No more frustration with not feeling good enough
  • ​No more second guessing and questioning whether you're on the right path or if you can trust yourself again 
  • ​No more lack, scarcity, and blocks to your worth
  • ​If you're ready to FREE your mind & follow your Soul to finally BE who you were born to be... in life and in love... then LET'S GO! 

My guess is that you’ve actually tried some of the other methods out there to
try to solve your problem...

• Maybe you’ve tried hours of therapy...
• Or using force, discipline, and willpower...
• Maybe you’ve tried following other systems and strategies...
• Heck, maybe you’ve even tried hiring a coach, healer, or energy worker to
help ‘clear your blocks’ for you!

The reason you haven’t been totally successful and broken through yet is
because you haven’t been taught the technology that speaks the ‘language
of the brain’. This will allow you to let go of the mental & emotional baggage,
create lasting change, and take charge of your life and your decisions!

This technology is called NLP... Neuro Linguistic Programming

NLP shows us that there are 4 fundamental steps to creating consistent success in any area
of’s like a recipe that when followed correctly, creates incredibly
consistent results! But the problem is most people get it backwards and do the
steps out of order.

What most don’t realize is that 95% of their results are controlled by their
unconscious habits...on auto pilot...without ever being aware of the patterns
they are running. We carry with us old beliefs, emotions, paradigms, & filters in
which we see the world and make choices from. Our brains delete, distort, and
generalize information about the world around us which shapes our psychology, physiology, &
emotional state. Many of our patterns are not serving us and hence create a
block, conflict, and split energy.

When you want to breakthrough in an area of your life, you must work at the
level of the unconscious...and address the conflicting energy.

There are 3 secrets to having a sustainable breakthrough where you actually
shift your self concept and behavior at an unconscious level and create new results, permanently. You must change your STATE, STORY, & STRATEGIES. If you don’t address ALL 3, you’ll go right back to where you are...

Stuck, Frustrated, &
Judging Yourself...

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results... well, the challenge is that when we have mental and emotional baggage (aka unconscious limiting beliefs & blocks), we aren’t aware of the insanity taking place...which affects our emotional state and how we feel.

We’ve picked up all kinds of baggage, beliefs and paradigms growing up... mostly from those around us, society, and from decisions we've made along the way. These stories have been with us for many years...they are so common to us, we don’t even know that we are living by an old story.

When we keep doing the same thing over and over, that’s called a pattern, a process, or a strategy. A strategy is what the mind runs in order to get a result. We must shift our strategies to get different results. What would happen if 5 years from now you are still in the same spot? What if nothing changes in this area of your life and you still haven’t figured this out? What would happen if you are in the same spot 10 years from now? 

At one point when I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, I asked myself those same questions.

“It was by answering those questions
that I stumbled upon the secret”

I had to make a powerful DECISION to shift and follow up with ACTION ... something had to seriously change if I was going to lead a fulfilling life and overcome my blocks... in health, wealth, & relationships!

I knew I had to finally invest in myself and get the support I needed to uplevel. 

When I found NLP and used it to shift my emotional STATE, my STORY, and my STRATEGIES, my whole life changed!! I went from feeling frustrated, not good enough, and insecure to inspired, confident, & alive!! 

And now, I’m on a mission to help other badass visionaries, just like YOU, to have their BREAKTHROUGH and create empowered lives and relationships they're wildly obsessed with!


(according to
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. In other words, NLP is the language of your own mind!

Here’s a simple example...

Have you ever tried to communicate with someone who didn’t speak your language, and they couldn’t understand you? The classic example of this is when someone goes out to a restaurant in a foreign country and they think they ordered steak, but when the food shows up, it turns out they actually asked for liver stew.

This is the kind of relationship that most of us have with our own unconscious mind. We might think we are “ordering up” more money, a loving relationship, peace with our family members, and being able to stick to a healthy diet...but unless that is what’s showing up, then something is probably getting lost in translation.

In NLP, we have a saying: the conscious mind is the goal setter, and the unconscious mind is the goal getter. Your unconscious mind is not out to get you–rather, it’s out TO GET FOR YOU whatever you want in life. It’s like your servant. However, if you don’t know how to communicate what you want properly, it will keep bringing steaming bowls of liver stew out of the kitchen.

In fact, go ahead right now and think of, if there was one thing you could change, one habit you could break, what would it be?

Whatever it is, realize that your unconscious mind only does that because it’s been programed to think that’s what you want..(i.e..“Madame, here is your procrastination along with a side of anxiety. I’ve also told the valet to bring up your emotional baggage as per your request. Will you be needing anything else?”)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is like a user’s manual for the brain. NLP coaching is like learning how to become fluent in the language of your mind so that the ever-so-helpful “server” that is your unconscious will finally understand what you actually want out of life.

NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others. It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients. NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that. It is an attitude, embodiment, and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results.
(cited from:



1. Release Negative Emotions, Limiting Decisions & Disempowering Beliefs
2. Create a Compelling Future & Set Goals Aligned with Your Values
3. Act Consistently from a place of inspiration (including enforcing boundaries)
4. Focus on What You Want (your evaluations become suggestions to the Unconscious Mind)

CLIENT RESPONSIBILITY: the Coach/Facilitator, I can only control my part of the process which are Steps 1 & 2 from the above Fundamentals for Change & Success... ie. working with you to identify and release root-cause emotional & mental limitations/baggage, help you create congruent values and goals, and hold you accountable/capable.

It’s the client’s responsibility to do Steps 3 & take consistent inspired action and continuously focus on what you want while managing your STATE, STORIES, & STRATEGIES. This may require additional resources to help you change old habits and strategies that no longer serve you and reinforce new book, listening to audios, meditation, etc.


SESSIONS: Coaching sessions are 1-hour and held weekly. They are typically done via Zoom.
BONUS VOXER SUPPORT: Weekly Voxer (voice messaging) Q&A should you have any questions or need support in between sessions. I will respond within 24 hours during working hours m-f.



Breakthrough Immersions utilize Mental and Emotional Release® and Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is an incredibly effective and clinically researched approach to create lasting empowered change. One immersion addresses 1 area of life you are feeling stuck, blocked, or just want to get better results in.

Here are some life area examples to choose from to have a breakthrough in: Love/Relationships, Career/Business, Fitness/Nutrition etc.). The Breakthrough is done via Zoom Video Conferencing.

1. Pre Call Session - 1 hour
2. Breakthrough Immersion Kick-off in 1 Area of Life: 2-3 Hours
3. Begin Coaching Sessions 1 Hour/ Every Week For either 6 wks or 3 mo. (depending on program)

Breakthrough Immersion Coaching goes DEEP....

As you can see, the process is very thorough and is a substantial investment of energy on both the client and the practitioner. Commitment and follow-through is required. After the Breakthrough Immersion Kick-Off, your NLP Breakthrough Coaching Program will begin.

Let me ask you a question...

If all this program did was help you let go of at least 1 sabotaging behavior that
kept you from hitting your goals & realizing your desires in an area of life, what
would that be worth to you?

What if this program helped you reinvent yourself, your relationships, your
passion for life, & 10x-ed your results?

What is the price of freedom & abundance in life?

Schedule a Strategy Session Today, so I can answer any questions & we
can see if we would be a good fit to work together.

 What Others Are Saying About Michele's Programs 

Marley's NLP Breakthrough Session Results

Dr. Cody's NLP Breakthrough Session Results

Tanya's NLP Breakthrough Session Results

Marley Jaxx

Top Branding Expert, Entrepreneur, CEO

"Working with Michele became one of the most profound coaching experiences I've ever had! The transformation within is like a night and day difference! So much has changed ...for the better! She gave me tools, resources, belief... she helped me see what was already inside of myself.  The experience was incredible!  I'm so honored to have worked with her.  If you have the opportunity to coach with Michele...TAKE IT!  You'll be transformed!"

Sarah Marie

Brand Coach, Speaker, Performer, Ms. Colorado

"Coaching with Michele has been hugely transformative!  After a heartbreaking end to a long-term relationship, Michele helped me to call more FUN & PLAY into my life.  I attracted my incredible partner soon after she taught me how to break past all the blocks that were holding me back from being fully and deeply loved by a man. While we of course have our ups and downs, it’s the most beautiful, fulfilling and rewarding relationship I’ve ever been in! We're now ENGAGED!!"

Tanya Dawson

Real Estate Agent

 Michele's program changed my life! It really works!! And faster than I was ever expecting!!! 

I fell deeper in love with myself, developed better communication skills, healed past wounds, and connected to my own self love! I even connected to a higher sense of purpose!  As an added bonus, I started attracting higher caliber relationships ....better than I could've ever imagined!  

Darlene Clancy

Former NFL Cheerleader, Alumni Board Member

Michele has impacted my life in so many ways. After the birth of my 2nd son I began feeling overwhelmed, confused, and I lost my confidence. I realized I had been suffering from postpartum depression. When my husband gifted me a coaching program with Michele, my thoughts were constantly negative, angry and full of doubt. But I was willing to change and had complete trust in Michele. Thanks to her coaching, I have gained confidence and learned to reprogram my thoughts which have already produced so many positive outcomes!! Thanks to Michele I learned how to become my greatest cheerleader!

Selina Zavier

Business Consultant

"When I started coaching with Michele, oh my gosh, I was so hidden from the world!  I wore my hair up in a bun and I wore clothes that hid my figure... I was just hiding from the world and in particular, the world of men.  After taking one of her courses, and. having Michele work with me.. my hair came down. I started to feel sexy and feminine... and I started showing up in the world in a whole new way!  My confidence came back and I finally allowed myself to receive love!!  If you get an opportunity to take a course with Michele, enroll!! It will change your life!

Anne Marie Liebman

Founder & Styling Consultant, SheStylesCO

“I am so grateful for Michele! Her coaching on life and how everything is a co-creation has helped me so much over the last few years! Her energy, love and empathy is always so present. In times when I’ve needed support, she has showed up in a way I’ve never experienced before!  She has helped me acknowledge that even in the challenging times of life and love, it’s okay to really feel emotion…to let it happen.  It’s simply energy moving through so perfectly in order for me to expand to the next level of myself. I’m so thankful for Michele and the growth I’ve experienced!"
Apply for the NLP Coaching Breakthrough Immersion
  •  A RELEASE of what’s blocking you & keeping you stuck in an area of life.
  • CLARITY on your passion, purpose, goals, and direction in that area.
  •  CONFIDENCE to fulfill that purpose and go after your desires with total alignment, ease and flow.
  • REMOVAL of limiting decisions, beliefs & negative emotions holding you back from being even more badass.
  • ​CONGRUENCY & forgiveness with yourself, others, and the past so you can experience true emotional freedom
  • ALIGNMENT with your values and achievable goals in the area you are seeking a breakthrough.
  • PLAN OF ACTION to put the necessary steps into place to make your vision a reality.
  • EMPOWERMENT in your life.

Finally Breakthrough Your Core Love Blocks & Attract Your Dream Reality & Relationship


Enter your best email and you will be taken to an application page to fill out. Once approved, you will receive a link to schedule a time on my calendar for your complementary Strategy Session to see if we would be a good fit to work together. 

If you don't receive your confirmation email, check your PROMOTIONS & JUNK folders 
Author of ‘The Ambitious Woman’s Guide To Love’ and creator of the Manifest Love Formula, Michele Ariana has been helping people transform their relationships, starting with themselves, for over 13 years.

She is a Certified NLP Master Practitioner (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Love Coach, Mindset Mentor, Speaker, and former NFL Cheerleader.

Michele works with ambitious people who want to create a life and relationship they’re wildly in love with, but feel like: 

~ They don't know how to make it happen
~ They battle with doubt and fear
~ They’re tired of not seeing results... and...

She helps them breakthrough core scarcity beliefs, create magnetic confidence, and manifest by connecting to the power within!

After growing through bullying, debilitating anxiety, low self esteem, divorce, and health issues, she’s discovered the truth that we are POWERFUL, Love is POSSIBLE, and all healthy relationships start with SELF! It's everyone’s birth right to create the
most extraordinary life imaginable .... especially in LOVE!

Copyright © 2023- MPOWER YOUR LIFE
Our programs are intended to help you better your life and make a difference in the world while growing your confidence, self worth, & alignment with love. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results  with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction and strategies that move you forward. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future results, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Visit our TERMS & CONDITIONS for more info.
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